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  • Did you not get the confirmation email?

    If you registered, but did not get the confirmation email within 2 minutes, please check first your spam folder. If it is not there, please use the contact form at the bottom of the forum and inform us. We will find a solution.

    Keine Aktivierungs Email bekommen?

    Falls die Aktivierungs Email nicht innerhalb von 2 Minuten angekommen ist, checke bitte Deinen Spamordner. Ist dort auch keine Email, kontaktiere uns bitte über das Formular ganz unten auf der Seite. Wir werden eine Lösung finden.

1 suggestion =1 thread; padlock = already done/responded/on our to-do list

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Dear members,

to make it for us easier to manage open issues/bugs/questions, we have a specific procedure here in the "suggestion/forum help" subforum.

Please post only one suggestion per thread. Otherwise we might oversee the second or third one in the same thread by accident.

As soon as a question/bug report or suggestion is answered/resolved/implemented or on our internal to-do list, we will close that thread with a padlock as a signal for us, so we have an easier overview what is still open and where we still have to read something.

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